cause and incidence of endometriosis
I think that the cause of the uterus and symptoms of the uterus, symptoms, symptoms, symptoms of the uterus, and symptoms of the uterus, and symptoms of the uterus.The role and the role of the uterus is formed in a healthy cell of the body, and repeatability of women hormone.A reproductive gland stimulation hormone release hormone from the lower part of the visual gland stimulation hormone release hormone and the hormone is secreted from the ovary hormone release hormone (the ovary hormone) and the hormone.Repeat the inside film growth or peeling or peeling of the uterus, repeatable in almost four weeks depending on the two women hormone secretion change.
Endometriosis refers to a disease in which the endometrium is originally present in a part other than the endometrium, and under the influence of female hormones, endometriosis repeatedly multiplies or delves according to the menstrual cycle. It usually occurs a lot in the uterine iliac surface, ovary, Douglas, rectum, and bladder, which are pelvic cavity tissues, but it can easily appear in any part of the body.
cause of endometriosis
cause of endometriosis
symptoms of endometriosis
symptoms of endometriosisincidence of endometriosisThe incidence of endometriosis is about 20-30% of women who menstruate, and it can appear in women aged 20-35, skinny types, mothers and sisters who have a past medical history, menstrual cycle of 27 days or less, and menstruation period of 7 days or more.Today, I talked about the cause of endometriosis and the incidence of symptoms. I hope the posting helped and thank everyone who visited today. Have a happy and enjoyable day.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image